Hi there!
Thanks for dropping in to the new site! I am so excited to have you and I hope you take a minute to look around. You’ll find all sorts of goodies from info about what sex and couples counseling actually are, what I’m like as your therapist, and how you can get started today!
And it looks like you’ve already found the blog. Welcome! On here you will find posts about all sorts of things, and I can’t wait to get started. I have a list of ideas ready that I want to share with you and information I hope you’ll be excited to learn. My goal is to be able to speak to each and every one of you through a variety of topics and hopefully, start engaging with you through the comments section. I am aiming to open this space up for dialogue between you and me and between all who visit the site. I also encourage you to contact me directly through the “Connect Now” button, whether you are interested in therapy or not! I want to hear from you and hear what you are hoping to get from visiting this site.
In addition to your typical blog post, I will also be sharing some original worksheets, exercises and challenges for you to take home to your partner or to do solo! Keep an eye out for those, OR, better yet, get notified via email by signing up for updates (look down)!
Well, again, I can’t wait to start engaging with each and every one of you. Let’s start (or continue) opening up and getting familiar with our authentic sexual and relationship selves!
See you soon,